Davissa Skin Care





The Beauty Chef’s Cleanse Inner Beauty Powder is a comprehensive super-greens supplement designed to help detox and purify your body on the inside, promoting smoother, clearer skin on the outside.

Whether taken as a daily boost of cleansing greens or used as part of the beauty chef’s 14-day intensive cleanse plan – to help your body realign either during or after times of excess – the alkalising blend features 45 certified organic and bio-fermented fruits, vegetables, seeds, roots, algae, grasses, plant fibre, purifying herbs and digestive enzymes.

Power ingredients like chickpeas, adzuki beans, mung beans, lentils and organic sprouted pea powder provide fibre to aid the elimination process and help remove toxins from the body. additionally, broccoli, beetroot, kale, rosemary, St Mary’s Thistle, dandelion, spinach, nettle, lemon, collared greens and a unique phyto-greens blend including spirulina and barley grass work to support the liver’s second phase of detoxification, while a super-blast of digestive enzymes balances gut health.

To unlock the benefits of these wonder ingredients, the cleanse formula is fermented using the beauty chef’s exclusive flora culture™ bio-fermentation process, whereby a unique mother culture containing a variety of lactic-acid producing bacteria bio-activates and supercharges the ingredients, making the nutrients more available to the body.

The result is a broad-spectrum, natural probiotic that supports the cleansing of your liver and internal organs to promote healthy, radiant skin.

“Although the skin is the body’s largest elimination organ, it is one of the last places in the body to receive nutrients, and one of the first to suffer,” said Carla Oates, founder of The Beauty Chef.

“if your complexion looks clogged or congested, chances are your liver is, too. that’s why we’ve used traditional liver herbs in the cleanse formula, which, when combined with digestive enzymes, our other hero ingredients and The Beauty Chef’s unique fermentation process, creates an incredibly powerful powder that cleanses and nourishes you on the inside, to promote skin health and radiance on the outside.”

Dairy free, sugar free, nut free and unpasteurised with no artificial colourings, flavourings or preservatives, each tub of Cleanse Inner Beauty Powder contains 21 x 7g serves and can be mixed with 250ml of water, coconut water or blended into your favourite smoothie.

Cleanse can be used alone or in conjunction with The Beauty Chef’s Body or Glow Inner Beauty Powders. for optimum results combine cleanse with The Beauty Chef’s new Antioxidant, Hydration and Collagen Inner Beauty Boosts.



The super ingredients in The Beauty Chef’s CLEANSE Inner Beauty Powder include:

  • Digestive enzymes: a unique blend of naturally occurring amylase, protease, lipase, lactase and cellulose to help break down and assimilate foods, balance the gut, assist digestion and support the body’s natural detoxification processes.
  • Sprouted pea fibre: our sprouted pea fibre is easy to digest and is a great source of fibre to help keep your bowels healthy.
  • Jerusalem Artichoke extract: rich in the prebiotic inulin, this extract helps feed the good bacteria in your gut which helps keep your system and bowels healthy.
  • Bio-fermented Chia seeds: high in omega-3, calcium, protein, fibre, iron, antioxidants and vitamin b to cleanse and support the liver.
  • Bio-fermented Chlorella: an easily digested complete protein, rich in vitamins c, e and bs, plus calcium, iron and betacarotene. It is a blood cleanser and oxygenator and a well known detoxifier.
  • Bio-fermented St Mary’s Thistle: a digestive liver tonic which helps the body to excrete toxins, and is also a powerful antioxidant.
  • Bio-fermented Dandelion Root: a digestive aid and liver tonic, this soothing root helps to regulate the bowels and is high in vitamins a and c plus many minerals, including potassium.
  • Bio-fermented Barley Grass: a powerful antioxidant said to have 30 times more vitamin b1 and 11 times more calcium than cow’s milk, six and a half times as much carotene and almost five times the iron content of spinach, and almost seven times the vitamin c of oranges.